* The TrelloEntities module has all the classes
* that represent things like Boards, Lists and
* Cards in Trello. They are basically a wrapper
* for the Trello API but done in such as way as
* to loosely emulate the "plain english" style
* of Butler for Trello.
* The TrelloEntities classes make heavy use of
* the {@link module:TrellinatorCore.IterableCollection}
* class for returning collections of entities
* and as such will usually throw {@link module:Exceptions.InvalidDataException}
* when the requested information does not exist.
* Methods are designed to be "chainable" as
* much as possible, and thus favour throwing
* exceptions over a "null return". This means
* that you're better off putting a try/catch
* block around a "fluent" chain of method
* calls rather than doing lots of "if this
* then that" type of checking.
* @module TrelloEntities
* @example
* try
* {
* //If the list, card or board don't exist
* //an InvalidDataException will be thrown
* new Trellinator.board("My Board")
* .list("There or not?")
* .card("Maybe I'm here ... ")
* .postComment("@"+new Notification(posted).member().name()+" hi there!");
* }
* catch(e)
* {
* Notification.expectException(InvalidDataException,e);
* new Notification(posted).card().postComment("Something wasn't there ... ");
* }
* @class Board
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities
* @constructor
* @param data (Object} key/value pairs of
* information, must at least contain "id",
* can basically just pass in response from Trello API
* @classdesc The Board class represents
* a Board in Trello. Every Notification will
* have a board object associated with it because
* all Trellinator webhooks are registered at the
* board level. When a Time Trigger function is
* added, the parameters passed into the function
* are simply a board id that can be passed
* directly into the constructor for Board.
* If you need to access another board, use the
* Trellinator class to load it.
* @example
* //a Notification driven function
* function doSomething(notification)
* {
* new Notification(notification)
* .replyToMember("You are on: "+
* new Notification(notification).board().name());
* }
* @example
* //get access to another board via Trellinator
* new Trellinator().board("Some Board");
* @example
* //a function executed from a Time Trigger
* //on a recurring basis
* function recurringFunction(params,signature,original_time)
* {
* new Board(params).card("Search").postComment("It's that time again!");
* ExecutionQueue.push("recurringFunction",
* params,
* signature,
* original_time.addDays(7).at("9:00"));
* }
var Board = function(data)
this.data = data;
this.list_of_lists = null;
this.members_list = null;
this.labels_list = null;
this.card_list = null;
this.containing_team = null;
this.custom_fields_enabled = false;
this.custom_fields = null;
* Return the board ID
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().id();
this.id = function()
return this.data.id;
* Return the board name
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().name();
this.name = function()
return this.data.name;
* Set the containing team
this.setContainingTeam = function(team)
this.containing_team = team;
return this;
* Move this board to a different team
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().moveToTeam(new Trellinator().team("New Team"));
this.team = function()
this.containing_team = new Team({id: this.data.idOrganization});
throw new InvalidDataException("This Board does not belong to a team");
return this.containing_team;
* Move this board to a different team
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().moveToTeam(new Trellinator().team("New Team"));
this.moveToTeam = function(team)
this.containing_team.board_list = null;
this.containing_team = team;
this.data.idOrganization = team.id();
return this;
* Make this a personal board (remove from any team)
* will not effect membership of the board
* DEPRECATED: Looks like personal boards aren't allowd in Trello anymore
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().makePersonal();
this.makePersonal = function()
this.containing_team.board_list = null;
this.containing_team = null;
this.data.idOrganization = "";
return this;
* Change the name of the board
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @param name {string} the new name for the board
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().setName("New Name");
this.setName = function(name)
return this.rename(name);
* Return the link to this board
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @example
* card.attachLink(new Notification(posted).board().link());
this.link = function()
return this.shortUrl();
* Return the short ID to this board
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @example
* card.attachLink(new Notification(posted).board().shortId());
this.shortId = function()
return this.link().replace("https://trello.com/b/","")
* Fetch a member of the board by
* name
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @param name {string|RegExp} a string or regex to match to a member.
* Will only return one member, ie. the first matching the name or regex.
* @example
* card.addMember(new Notification(posted).board().member("iaindooley"));
this.member = function(name)
return this.members(name).first();
* Fetch a list of members, optionally filtered by
* name or regex
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @param name {string|RegExp} an optional filter to restrict
* the list of members returned by username
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().members().each(function(member)
* {
* card.addMember(member);
* });
this.members = function(name)
this.members_list = new IterableCollection(TrelloApi.get("boards/"+this.data.id+"/members?fields=fullName,username")).transform(function(elem)
return new Member(elem);
return this.members_list.findByName(name);
* Return a Label from this board by name (or regex match)
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @param name {string|RegExp} the name or a regex of label
* to return
* @example
* card.addLabel(new Notification(posted).board().label("Urgent"));
this.label = function(name)
return this.labels(name).first();
* Return all labels from this board, optionally filtered by
* name (or matching regex)
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @param name {string|RegExp} the name or regex to use when
* filtering the labels
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().labels(new RegExp("Process.*")).each(function(label)
* {
* card.addLabel(label);
* });
this.labels = function(name)
this.labels_list = new IterableCollection(TrelloApi.get("boards/"+this.data.id+"/labels?fields=id,name&limit=1000")).transform(function(elem)
return new Label(elem);
return this.labels_list.findByName(name);
* Return a List from this board by name (or RegExp)
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @param name {string|RegExp} a list name or regex to match
* will just return the first matching list
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().list("ToDo").cards().each(function(card)
* {
* card.postComment("@board Get 'er done!");
* }
this.list = function(name)
return this.lists(name).first();
* Return all List objects from this board
* optionally filtered by name/regex
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @param name {string|RegExp} a name or regex to filter the list by
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().lists(new RegExp("A.*")).each().function(list)
* {
* try
* {
* list.cards().first().postComment("@board me first!");
* }
* catch(e)
* {
* Notification.expectException(InvalidDataException,e);
* Card.create(list,{name: "There must be at least one"}).postComment("@board me first!");
* }
* });
this.lists = function(name)
this.list_of_lists = new IterableCollection(TrelloApi.get("boards/"+this.data.id+"/lists?cards=none&card_fields=none&filter=open&fields=all")).transform(function(elem)
return new List(elem).setBoard(this);
return this.list_of_lists.findByName(name);
* Get a single card from the board matched by name
* or regex
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @param name {string|RegExp} the name or regex to match
* if more than one card matches, will just reeturn the first
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().card(new RegExp("Finders.*")).postComment("Keepers");
this.card = function(name)
return this.cards(name).first();
* Get an IterableCollection of Card objects on this board
* optionally filtered by name (or by regex)
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @param name {string|RegExp} a string or RegExp to restrict
* the cards returned
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().id();
this.cards = function(name)
this.card_list = new IterableCollection(TrelloApi.get("boards/"+this.data.id+"/cards?fields=id,name")).transform(function(card)
return new Card(card).setContainingBoard(this);
return this.card_list.findByName(name);
* Find an existing list, creating it if it doesn't exist
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @param name {string} the name of the list to find, creating it if it doesn't exist
* @param pos {string} (optional) either "bottom" or "top" where "bottom" is furthest
* to the right of the window and "top" is furthest to the left
* Card.create(new Notification(posted).board().findOrCreateList("ToDo"),{name: "Do this!"});
* @example
* Card.create(new Notification(posted).board().findOrCreateList("ToDo"),{name: "Hi there!"});
this.findOrCreateList = function(name,pos)
var list = this.list(name);
var list = this.createList(name,pos);
return list;
* Create a list even if a list with the same name
* already exists
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @param name {string} the name of the list to find, creating it if it doesn't exist
* @param pos {string} (optional) either "bottom" or "top" where "bottom" is furthest
* to the right of the window and "top" is furthest to the left
* Card.create(new Notification(posted).board().createList("ToDo"),{name: "Do this!"});
* @example
* Card.create(new Notification(posted).board().createList("ToDo"),{name: "Hi there!"});
this.createList = function(name,pos)
pos = "top";
var list = new List(TrelloApi.post("lists?name="+encodeURIComponent(name)+"&idBoard="+this.data.id+"&pos="+pos));
this.list_of_lists = null;
return list;
* Create a new board by copying this one
* into a team, preserving members
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @param name {string} the name for the new board
* @param team {Team} optional - a Team object to add this board to.
* All boards must now be members of a team in Trello, so if this is not provided
* default to new Trellinator().teams().first().id()
* @param permission {string} optional - org, private, public (defaults to "org")
* @param no_members {string} optional - true if you don't want to invite members
* from the template board
* @example
* var trellinator = new Trellinator();
* trellinator.board("My Template").copy("My Project",trellinator.team("Some Team"));
this.copy = function(name,team,permission,no_members)
var teamstr = "";
var permstr = "";
permstr = "&prefs_permissionLevel="+permission;
permstr = "&prefs_permissionLevel=org";
teamstr = "&idOrganization="+team.data.id;
team_id = new Trellinator().teams().first().id();
team_id = new Trellinator().team("My New Free Team").id();
teamstr = "&idOrganization="+team_id;
var new_board = new Board(TrelloApi.post("/boards/?name="+encodeURIComponent(name)+teamstr+"&idBoardSource="+this.data.id+"&keepFromSource=cards"+permstr+"&prefs_voting=disabled&prefs_comments=members&prefs_invitations=members&prefs_selfJoin=true&prefs_cardCovers=true&prefs_background=blue&prefs_cardAging=regular"));
return new_board;
* Add a member to the board by email address
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @param email {string} the email of the user to invite (can be new or existing Trello user)
* @param type {string} admin or normal, defaults to admin
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().inviteMemberByEmail("user@example.org");
this.inviteMemberByEmail = function(email,type)
type = "admin";
this.members_list = null;
return this;
* Add a Trello member to a board
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @param member {Member} a Member object to add to this board
* @param type {string} admin or normal, defaults to admin
* @example
* new Trellinator().board("Some Board").addMember(new Notification(posted).member());
this.addMember = function(member,type)
type = "admin";
this.members_list = null;
return this;
* Remove a Trello member from a board
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @param member {Member} a Member object to remove from this board
* @example
* new Trellinator().board("Some Board").removeMember(new Notification(posted).member());
this.removeMember = function(member)
this.members_list = null;
return this;
* Archive this board
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().del();
this.archive = function()
return TrelloApi.put("boards/"+this.data.id+"?closed=true");
* Unarchive this board
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().del();
this.unArchive = function()
return TrelloApi.put("boards/"+this.data.id+"?closed=false");
* Delete this board
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().del();
this.del = function()
return TrelloApi.del("boards/"+this.data.id);
* Clear cached data and load via API call again.
* This may be required sometimes if you have modified
* data on a board and need to reload it. This method
* can be chained so it's easy to stick a load() call
* in where you need one, but shouldn't be done habitually
* to reduce the total number of API calls you need
* to make
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().load().lists();
this.load = function()
this.list_of_lists = null;
this.members_list = null;
this.labels_list = null;
this.card_list = null;
this.custom_fields = null;
this.custom_fields_enabled = null;
this.data = TrelloApi.get("boards/"+this.data.id+"?actions=none&boardStars=none&cards=none&checklists=none&fields=name%2Cdesc%2CdescData%2Cclosed%2CidOrganization%2Curl%2CshortUrl&lists=none&members=none&memberships=none&membersInvited=none");
return this;
* Return a list of custom fields
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().customFields().first().name();
this.customFields = function()
return new IterableCollection(TrelloApi.get("boards/"+this.id()+"/customFields")).find(function(field)
return new CustomField(field);
this.findOrCreateCustomFieldFromName = function(field_name)
this.custom_fields = new IterableCollection(TrelloApi.get("boards/"+this.id()+"/customFields"));
var field = null;
if(loop.name == field_name)
field = loop;
if(field === null)
var url = "https://api.trello.com/1/customFields";
var payload = {
idModel: this.id(),
modelType: "board",
name: field_name,
pos: "bottom",
type: "text",
display_cardFront: CustomField.DEFAULT_CARDFRONT_DISPLAY,
key: TrelloApi.checkControlValues().key,
token: TrelloApi.checkControlValues().token
var field = HttpApi.call("post",url,"",{"content-type": "application/json"},JSON.stringify(payload));
throw "Unable to create custom field: "+field_name+" response: "+JSON.stringify(field);
this.custom_fields = null;
return field;
this.enableCustomFields = function()
var enabled = false;
new IterableCollection(TrelloApi.get("boards/"+this.id()+"/plugins?filter=enabled")).each(function(loop)
if(loop.name == "Custom Fields")
enabled = true;
new IterableCollection(TrelloApi.get("boards/"+this.id()+"/plugins?filter=available")).each(function(loop)
if(loop.name == "Custom Fields")
var resp = TrelloApi.post("boards/"+this.id()+"/boardPlugins?idPlugin="+loop.id);
throw "Unable to enable Custom Fields power up to find or create custom field from name because: "+resp.error;
this.custom_fields_enabled = true;
//DEPRECATED: use setName
this.rename = function(name)
this.data.name = name;
return this;
//DEPRECATED: use link()
this.shortUrl = function()
return this.data.shortUrl;
//DEPRECATED: use List.moveAllCards
this.moveAllCards = function(from_list,to_list)
var ret = new IterableCollection(TrelloApi.post("lists/"+from_list.id()+"/moveAllCards?idBoard="+to_list.board().id()+"&idList="+to_list.id()));
return new Card(elem);
from_list.card_list = null;
to_list.card_list = null;
return ret;
if(!this.data.id && this.data.link)
this.data.id = TrelloApi.boardLinkRegExp().exec(this.data.link)[1];
* Create a new board from an object containing key/value pairs. The minimum
* required is "name", with other options available at {@link https://developers.trello.com/reference/#boardsid}
* If you are creating a new board from a template, you might prefer to
* use the Board.copy() method instead
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @param data {Object} an object containing key/value pairs for all the fields
* @example
* Board.create({name: "Hi there!"});
Board.create = function(data)
if(typeof data === "string")
data = {name: data};
data.idOrganization = new Trellinator().teams().first().id();
return new Board(TrelloApi.post("boards/?"+new IterableCollection(data).implode("&",encodeURIComponent)));
* Find a board by name if it already exists, or create
* one if it doesn't. The data you pass in can either
* be a string, or an array of key/value pairs at least
* containing a name. If a board with the name already
* exists it will be returned, otherwise a board will be
* created using all the data you provide
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Board
* @param data {string|Object} either a board name or an
* object of key/value pairs at least containing name
* @param global_command_group {string} (optional) a global command group
* to add the board to if a new one is created
* @example
* Card.create(Board.findOrCreate("New Board").findOrCreateList("ToDo"),{name: "Hi there!"});
* @example
* Board.findOrCreate({name: "Hi there!",idOrganization: new Trellinator().team("Some Team").id()});
Board.findOrCreate = function(data,global_command_group)
return new Trellinator().board(data);
var ret = Board.create(data);
return ret;