* @class Card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities
* @param data (Object} key/value pairs of
* information, must at least contain "id",
* can basically just pass in response from Trello API
* @constructor
* @classdesc The Card class represents
* a Card in Trello. Not every Notification will
* have a card object associated with it because
* all Trellinator webhooks are registered at the
* board level (so for example a notification about
* the name of a list being updated won't have a
* card object associated with it).
* Cards are loaded from Boards or Lists, and must
* be created in a List.
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().postComment("Hello world!");
* @example
* new Trellinator().board("Some Board").card(new RegExp("Find me.*"));
* @example
* new Notification(posted).board().list("ToDo").cards().first().moveToNextList();
* @example
* Card.create(new Trellinator().board("Some board").list("ToDo"),"Do it!");
* @xample
* Card.create(new Trellinator().board("Some board").list("ToDo"),{name: "Do it!"});
* @xample
* Card.findOrCreate(new Trellinator().board("Some board").list("ToDo"),"Do it!");
* @xample
* Card.findOrCreate(new Trellinator().board("Some board").list("ToDo"),{name: "Do it!"});
var Card = function(data)
this.data = data;
this.notification_object = null;
this.checklist_list = null;
this.labels_list = null;
this.members_list = null;
this.current_list = null;
this.containing_board = null;
* Returns the card ID
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().id();
this.id = function()
return this.data.id;
this.setNotification = function(notif)
this.notification_object = notif;
return this;
* Return a Date object representing the
* creation date of this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().whenCreated().toLocaleString();
this.whenCreated = function()
return new Date(1000*parseInt(this.id().substring(0,8),16));
* Number of days excluding saturday and sunday
* since this card was created
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().weekDaysSinceCreated().toLocaleString();
this.weekDaysSinceCreated = function()
var created = this.whenCreated().addDays(1);
var ret = 0;
while(created < Trellinator.now())
return ret;
* Return the notification (if any) that
* originated this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().notification().replytoMember("Hai");
this.notification = function()
return this.notification_object;
* Removes any item from any checklist on
* this card matching the string or RegExp
* passed in
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param name {string|RegExp} the text (exact or regex match)
* of the checklist item to remove
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().removeChecklistItemByName(new RegExp("Milk.*"));
this.removeChecklistItemByName = function(name)
this.checklist_list = null;
return this;
* Return true if the due date on this
* card has been marked complete
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* var card = new Notification(posted).card();
* if(card.dueComplete())
* card.moveToNextList();
this.dueComplete = function()
if(typeof this.data.dueComplete == "undefined")
return this.data.dueComplete;
* Return the Board object that this card
* is on
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* var card = new Notification(posted).card();
* card.board().card(card.name()).each(function(loop)
* {
* if(loop.id() != card.id())
* loop.postComments("Twinsies with "+card.link());
* }
this.board = function()
var ret = null;
ret = this.containing_board;
else if(this.current_list)
ret = this.current_list.board();
if(!this.data.idBoard && !this.data.board)
var data = (this.data.board) ? this.data.board:{id: this.data.idBoard};
ret = new Board(data);
this.containing_board = ret;
throw new InvalidDataException("Board not found for card: "+this.id());
return ret;
this.setContainingBoard = function(board)
this.containing_board = board;
return this;
* Return a list of comments from this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param limit {int} (optional) limit the number of comments
* returned, default limit is 20
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().comments().each(function(comment)
* {
* Card.create(new Trellinator().board("Some Board").list("ToDo"),comment);
* });
this.comments = function(limit)
limit = 20;
return new IterableCollection(TrelloApi.get("cards/"+this.data.id+"/actions?filter=copyCommentCard,commentCard&limit="+limit))
return new Comment(elem);
* Return the date/time this card was moved
* into it's current list
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().movedToList().toLocaleString();
this.movedToList = function()
var res = TrelloApi.get("cards/"+this.data.id+"/actions?filter=updateCard:idList&limit=1");
res = TrelloApi.get("cards/"+this.data.id+"/actions?filter=createCard&limit=1");
var ret = new Date(res[0].date);
var ret = Trellinator.now();
this.moved_to_list_cache = ret;
return this.moved_to_list_cache;
* Move the card to the next list in the same board
* or throw InvalidDataException if there is no next
* list
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().moveToNextList();
this.moveToNextList = function()
return test == elem.id();
return this;
* Return the List this card is currently in
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).archivedCard().currentList().archive();
this.currentList = function()
var ret = null;
if(!this.data.list && !this.current_list)
ret = this.current_list;
else if(this.data.list)
ret = new List(this.data.list);
throw new InvalidDataException("Card is not in a list: "+this.id());
return ret;
this.setCurrentList = function(list)
this.current_list = list;
return this;
* Return true if all checklists on a card
* are complete
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @see Notification.completedAllChecklists()
* @example
* new Trellinator().board("Some Board").list("Doing").cards().each(function(card)
* {
* if(card.allChecklistsComplete())
* card.moveToNextList();
* });
* @example
* //This is not part of this class, but a common use case you
* //should be aware of instead
* new Notification(posted).completedAllChecklists().moveToNextList();
this.allChecklistsComplete = function()
var ret = true;
ret = item.isComplete();
return ret;
* Return an IterableCollection of all cards linked as attachments
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().cardsLinkedInAttachments().first().postComment("Hello from over here");
this.cardsLinkedInAttachments = function()
return this.attachments(TrelloApi.cardLinkRegExp()).find(function(elem)
return new Card({link: elem.link()});
(e.toString().indexOf("card not found") === 0) ||
(e.toString().indexOf("unauthorized card permission requested") === 0)
return false;
throw e;
* Return an IterableCollection of all boards linked as attachments
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().boardsLinkedInAttachments().first().list("ToDo").cards().each(function(card)
* {
* card.postComment("Ger er done!");
* });
this.boardsLinkedInAttachments = function()
return this.attachments(TrelloApi.boardLinkRegExp()).find(function(elem)
return new Board({link: elem.link()});
* Fetch the first attachment on the card. Name filtering
* not implemented yet
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param name {string|RegExp} not yet implemented
* @example
* Trellinator.log(new Notification(posted).card().attachment());
this.attachment = function(name)
return this.attachments(name).first();
* Get all attachments on the card, filtering
* not implemented
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param name {string|RegExp} name or RegExp, not
* yet implemented
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().attachments().each(function(att)
* {
* Trellinator.log(att);
* });
this.attachments = function(name)
return new IterableCollection(this.data.attachments).find(function(elem)
var totest = new Attachment(elem);
var ret = false;
if(name && TrelloApi.nameTest(name,totest.text()))
ret = new Attachment(elem);
else if(name && TrelloApi.nameTest(name,totest.link()))
ret = new Attachment(elem);
else if(!name)
ret = totest;
return ret;
* Return a link to this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* var notif = new Notification(posted);
* notif.card().cardsLinkedInAttachments().first().checkItemByName(notif.card().link());
this.link = function()
return "https://trello.com/c/"+this.shortId();
* Return the short ID of this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* var notif = new Notification(posted);
* notif.card().shortId();
this.shortId = function()
return this.data.shortLink;
* Return a link to this card formatted so
* that it can be used in a checklist item name
* such that the link will work on both mobile and
* web/desktop apps
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* var notif = new Notification(posted);
* notif.card().mobileFriendlyLink();
this.mobileFriendlyLink = function()
return "["+this.name().replaceAll("@","AT").replaceAll(/[<>"]/,"")+"]("+this.link()+")";
* Add a link attachment to this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param data {string|Object} either a string that is a fully
* formed URL, or an object that contains at least either
* an attribute link or url, and optionally one of these as
* well as a name attribute
* @example
* var notif = new Notification(posted);
* var notif.card().addChecklist("Linked Cards",function(list)
* {
* notif.board().list("ToDo").cards().each(function(card)
* {
* list.addItem(card.link());
* card.attachLink(notif.card().link());
* });
* });
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().attachLink({name: "A Popular Search Engine",url: "https://www.google.com/"});
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().attachLink({name: "A Popular Search Engine",link: "https://www.google.com/"});
this.attachLink = function(data)
var link = data.url;
else if(typeof data.link == "string")
var link = data.link;
var link = data;
var url = "cards/"+this.data.id+"/attachments?url="+encodeURIComponent(link);
var maxlength = 256;
var ltrimmed_name = data.name.substr(data.name.length-maxlength);
url += "&name="+encodeURIComponent(ltrimmed_name);
this.data.attachments = null;
return this;
* Download a file from a URL to Google Drive, then add it
* as a link to the card. I can't see a good way to add a file
* directly by URL either from the internet or from Google Drive
* so this should be updated at some point.
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param data {string|Object} either a string that is a fully
* formed URL, or an object that contains at least either
* an attribute link or url, and optionally one of these as
* well as a name attribute
* @example
* var notif = new Notification(posted);
* card.attachFile(notif.card().attachments().first().link());
this.attachFile = function(data)
var link = data.url;
else if(typeof data.link == "string")
var link = data.link;
var link = data;
var file = Trellinator.downloadFileToGoogleDrive(link);
this.attachLink({name: file.getName(),url: file.getUrl()});
* Set the name of this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param name {string} the new name for the card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().setName("UPDATED");
this.setName = function(name)
this.data.name = name;
this.data.text = name;
return this;
* Return the name of this card (also sometimes
* called the title of the card)
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* Trellinator.log(new Notification(posted).card().name());
this.name = function()
if((typeof this.data.name === 'undefined') && (typeof this.data.text === 'undefined'))
return this.data.text ? this.data.text:this.data.name;
* Add a member to this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param member {Member} a Member object to add to the
* card
* @example
* var notif = new Notification();
* var created = notif.createdCard();
* notif.board().members().each(function(member)
* {
* notif.card().addMember(member);
* });
this.addMember = function(member)
this.members_list = null;
if(e.toString().indexOf("member is already on the card") == -1)
throw e;
return this;
* Return a Member of this card matching
* the given name/regex
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param name {string|RegExp} a name or RegExp to match
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().member("iaindooley");
this.member = function(name)
return this.members(name).first();
* Return an IterableCollection of Members on this card
* optionally filtered by name using a string or RegExp
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param name {string|RegExp} a name or RegExp to filter by
* @example
* var card = new Notification(posted).archivedCard();
* card.members().each(function(member)
* {
* card.postComment("@"+member.name()+" this card was archived");
* });
this.members = function(name)
this.members_list = new IterableCollection(this.data.members).transform(function(elem)
return new Member(elem);
return this.members_list.findByName(name);
* Return a Card if there is one linked in the
* description of this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).archivedCard().cardLinkedInDescription().postComment("Your pal was archived");
this.cardLinkedInDescription = function()
if(parts = TrelloApi.cardLinkRegExp().exec(this.description()))
var ret = new Card({id: parts[1]});
throw new InvalidDataException("No card linked in description");
return ret;
* Return the description of this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* var card = new Notification(posted).changedCardName();
* card.setDescription(Trellinator.now().toLocaleString()+" updated to "+card.name()+"\n\n"+card.description());
this.description = function()
return this.data.desc;
* Return a Label if it is on this card, or false
* if the label is not on the card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param name {string|RegExp} a string or RegExp to match
* the label name against
* @example
* //check if a due date was marked complete on a card with label starting with "Process"
* var added = new Notification(posted).addedLabel("Old");
* if(added.card().hasLabel("New"))
* added.card().postComment("Something old and something new");
this.hasLabel = function(name)
return this.labels(name).first();
return false;
* Return a Label if it is on this card, or throw
* InvalidDataException if it isn't on the card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param name {string|RegExp} a string or RegExp to match
* the label name against
* @example
* //check if a due date was marked complete on a card with label starting with "Process"
* new Notification(posted).completedDueDate().label(new RegExp("Process.*"));
this.label = function(name)
return this.labels(name).first();
* Return an IterableCollection of Label objects that
* are on this card optionally filtered by name/regexp
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param name {string|RegExp} a string or RegExp to filter
* against
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().labels().each(function(label)
* {
* Trellinator.log(label.name());
* });
this.labels = function(name)
this.labels_list = new IterableCollection(this.data.labels).transform(function(elem)
return new Label(elem).setContainingCard(this);
throw new InvalidDataException("No labels present on card");
return this.labels_list.findByName(name);
* Set the description of this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param desc {string} The description to set on the card
* @example
* var card = new Notification(posted).archivedCard();
* card.setDescription("Archived on: "+Trellinator.now().toLocaleString()+"\n\n"+card.description());
this.setDescription = function(desc)
if(desc.length > 16384)
desc = desc.substring(0,16381)+"...";
this.data.desc = desc;
return this;
* Post a comment to this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param comment_text {string} the text to post
* @example
* var card = new Notification(posted).movedCard("Done");
* card.members().each(function(member)
* {
* card.postComment("@"+member.name()+" this card was moved to the Done list");
* });
this.postComment = function(comment_text)
if(comment_text.length > 16384)
comment_text = comment_text.substring(0,16381)+"...";
return this;
* Return the due date for this Card, which
* can be passed into the constructor of a Date object
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Date(new Notification(posted).card().due());
this.due = function()
return this.data.due;
* Remove all members from this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).movedCard("Done").removeAllMembers();
this.removeAllMembers = function()
this.members_list = null;
return this;
* Remove all labels from this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).movedCard("Done").removeAllLabels();
this.removeAllLabels = function()
this.labels_list = null;
return this;
* Remove a member from this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param member {Member} a Member object to remove from this
* card
* @example
* var notif = new Notification(posted);
* if(new RegExp("Remove.*").test(notif.addedComment().text()))
* {
* notif.card().removeMember(notif.member());
* }
this.removeMember = function(member)
this.members_list = null;
if(e.toString().indexOf("member is not on the card") == -1)
throw e;
return this;
* Mark the due date on this card complete
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* //Mark the due date complete on a card that was moved into the Done list
* new Notification(posted).movedCard("Done").markDueDateComplete();
this.markDueDateComplete = function()
this.data.dueComplete = true;
return this;
* Mark the due date on this card incomplete
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* //Mark the due date complete on a card that was moved into the Done list
* new Notification(posted).movedCard("Done").markDueDateIncomplete();
this.markDueDateIncomplete = function()
this.data.dueComplete = false;
return this;
* Clear the due date on this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* //Remove the due date on a card that was moved to the Backlog list
* new Notification(posted).movedCard("Backlog").removeDueDate();
this.removeDueDate = function()
this.data.due = null;
return this;
* Set the due date on this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param datetime {Date} a Date object
* @example
* //When a card is created in the ToDo list set it due in 3 days time at 9am
* new Notification(posted).createdCard("ToDo").setDue(Trellinator.now().addDays(3).at("9:00"));
this.setDue = function(datetime)
this.data.due = datetime;
return this;
* Copy this card to a given List, optionally to
* a specific position, and return the copy
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param list {List} a List object to copy this card to
* @param position {string|int} either top, bottom or a number
* @example
* var list = new Trellinator().board("Some Board").findOrCreateList("ToDo");
* //Copy the card to a list ToDo in the board Some Board in position 2
* new Notification(posted).card().copyToList(list,2);
this.copyToList = function(list,position,keep)
position = "top";
keep = "all";
list.card_list = null;
return new Card(TrelloApi.post("cards?pos="+position+"&idList="+list.data.id+"&idCardSource="+this.data.id+"&keepFromSource="+encodeURIComponent(keep)));
* Copy this card to a list on the same board
* and return the copy
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param name {string|RegExp} a string list name, or
* regex (if multiple matches, the first matching list will be used
* @param position {string|int} top, bottom or a number
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().copyTo("ToDo","top");
this.copyTo = function(name,position,keep)
position = (name.position)?name.position:"top";
return this.copyToList(this.board().list(TrelloApi.nameTestData(name,"list")),position,keep);
* Move a card to a given List
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param list {List} a list object to move the card to
* @param position {string|int} top, bottom or a number (defaults to bottom)
* @example
* var to_list = new Trellinator().board("Other Board").list("ToDo");
* new Notification(posted).createdCard("Doing").moveToList(to_list,"top");
this.moveToList = function(list,position)
position = "bottom";
this.data.list = null;
this.current_list.card_list = null;
this.current_list = null;
this.current_list = null;
this.moved_to_list_cache = null;
list.card_list = null;
this.containing_board = null;
return this;
* Move a card to a list within the same board
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param name {string|RegExp} the name or a regex to match a
* list within the same board to move the card to
* @param position {string|int} (optional) top, bottom or a number, default bottom
* @example
* new Notification(posted).archivedCard().unArchive().moveTo("Graveyard","top");
this.moveTo = function(name,position)
position = (name.position)?name.position:"bottom";
return this.moveToList(this.board().list(TrelloApi.nameTestData(name,"list")),position);
* Delete this card NO UNDO AVAILABLE
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).movedCard("Done").del();
this.del = function()
return this;
* Archive this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).movedCard("Done").archive();
this.archive = function()
this.currentList().card_list = null;
return this;
* Unarchive this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).archivedCard().unArchive();
this.unArchive = function()
this.currentList().card_list = null;
return this;
* Check if this card is archived
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).archivedCard().isArchived();
this.isArchived = function()
if(typeof this.data.closed === 'undefined')
return this.data.closed;
* Return a checklist from this card of the given
* name if it exists or throw InvalidDataException
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param name {string|RegExp} a name or RegExp to match against
* the checklist name (first will be returned if multiple match)
* @example
* new Notification(posted).movedCard("Done").checklist(new RegExp("Process.*")).markAllItemsComplete();
this.checklist = function(name)
return this.checklists(name).first();
* Return an IterableCollection of Checklist objects
* optionally filtered by name/RegExp
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param name {string|RegExp} a string or regex to filter the list by
* @example
* new Notification(posted).completedDueDate().checklists(new RegExp("Process.*")).each(function(list)
* {
* list.markAllItemsComplete();
* });
this.checklists = function(name)
this.checklist_list = new IterableCollection(TrelloApi.get("cards/"+this.data.id+"/checklists")).transform(function(elem)
return new Checklist(elem).setContainingCard(this);
return this.checklist_list.findByName(name);
* Check any item in any checklist with the given
* name or matching RegExp
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param name {string|RegExp} the name of the checklist item
* to complete, or a RegExp (all matching items will be completed)
* @example
* var card = new Notification(posted).archivedCard();
* cards.cardsLinkedInAttachments().first().checkItemByName(card.link());
this.checkItemByName = function(name)
if((item.state() == "incomplete") && TrelloApi.nameTest(name,item.name()))
this.checklist_list = null;
return this;
* Copy a checklist from this card, to another
* card if it doesn't already exist on that card
* and return either the new checklist or the
* checklist that already existed
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param name {string|RegExp} the name of the checklist
* to copy, can be a string or RegExp, if more than one matches
* will just copy the first found
* @param to_card {Card} the card to copy the checklist to
* var notif = new Notification(posted);
* //Copy a checklist to a card if it was moved or added to the ToDo list
* notif.board().card("Templates").copyUniqueChecklist("Some Procedure",notif.addedCard("ToDo"));
this.copyUniqueChecklist = function(name,to_card,position)
return to_card.checklist(name);
return this.copyChecklist(name,to_card,position);
* Copy a checklist to another card from this card
* even if it already exists on the target card
* and return the new checklist
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param name {string|RegExp} the name of the checklist to
* copy, if multiple matches will just take the first found
* @param to_card {Card} the card to copy the checklist to
* @param position {string} (optional) either top or bottom, or a positive number, defaults to bottom
* @example
* var notif = new Notification(posted);
* //Copy a checklist to a card if it was moved or added to the ToDo list
* notif.board().card("Templates").copyChecklist("Some Procedure",notif.addedCard("ToDo"));
this.copyChecklist = function(name,to_card,position)
var ret = new Checklist(TrelloApi.post("cards/"+to_card.id()+"/checklists?idChecklistSource="+this.checklist(name).id())).setContainingCard(to_card);
//HACK: The post endpoint for adding a checklist to a card ignores the pos parameter
//so we need a separate put to update the position once added
this.checklist_list = null;
to_card.checklist_list = null;
return ret;
* Remove a checklist from this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param checklist {Checklist} the checklist to remove
* @example
* var card = new Notification(posted).movedCard("Done");
* card.removeChecklist(card.checklist("Some Process"));
this.removeChecklist = function(checklist)
this.checklist_list = null;
return this;
* Add a checklist to this card, or pass an
* existing checklist into the callback if it already
* exists on this card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param name {string} The name of the checklist to add
* @param callback {Function} a callback which will recieve
* the new or existing Checklist object to add items to it
* @param position {string} (optional) top, bottom, a number, defaults
* to "bottom"
* @example
* new Notification(posted).movedCard("ToDo").addChecklist("Do Stuff",function(cl)
* {
* cl.addItem("Did you do this yet?");
* });
this.addChecklist = function(name,callback,position)
var checklist = this.checklist(name);
//var checklist = new Checklist(TrelloApi.post("cards/"+this.data.id+"/checklists?name="+encodeURIComponent(name)+"&pos="+encodeURIComponent(position))).setContainingCard(this);
var checklist = new Checklist(TrelloApi.post("cards/"+this.data.id+"/checklists?name="+encodeURIComponent(name))).setContainingCard(this);
this.checklist_list = null;
//HACK: The post endpoint for adding a checklist to a card ignores the pos parameter
//so we need a separate put to update the position once added
return this;
* Remove a label from this card by label object
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param label {Label} a Label object to remove from this card
* @example
* var notif = new Notification(posted);
* notif.card().removeLabel(notif.board().label("Some Label"));
this.removeLabel = function(label)
this.labels_list = null;
return this;
* Add a label to the card by name, whether it
* already exists in the board or not
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param label_name {string} The name of the label to add
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().addLabel("New");
this.addLabel = function(label_name)
var label = this.board().label(label_name);
this.applyLabelIds(new IterableCollection([label.id()]));
this.addNewLabels(new IterableCollection([label_name]));
this.labels_list = null;
this.data.labels = null;
return this;
* Add new labels that don't already exist to a card
* by name. You should just use the addLabel() method instead
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param new_labels {Array} an array of label names to create
* on this board and added to the card
this.addNewLabels = function(new_labels)
this.labels_list = null;
return this;
* Add existing labels to a card by ID. You should just
* use the addLabel method instead
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param label_ids {Array} an array of label_ids
this.applyLabelIds = function(label_ids)
this.labels_list = null;
return this;
* Return the value of a custom field by name.
* This works for all field types, and the value is
* converted to the appropriate data type based on
* the type of field (eg. number/date/etc)
* If the Custom Fields power up is not enabled
* this method will attempt to enable it. If it can't
* be enabled because the board has reached the power up
* limit, an unexpected exception is thrown.
* If a field with the given name doesn't exist it will
* be created as a text type field
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param field_name {striung} the name of the field to get the value for on this card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().customFieldValue("My Field");
this.customFieldValue = function(field_name)
var field = this.findOrCreateCustomFieldFromName(field_name);
var ret = false;
if(loop.idCustomField == field.id)
ret = this.extractCustomFieldValueFromDataBasedOnType(loop);
return ret;
this.extractCustomFieldValueFromDataBasedOnType = function(data)
var ret = "";
for(var key in data.value)
case "text":
ret = data.value[key];
case "number":
ret = parseFloat(data.value[key]);
case "checked":
ret = (data.value[key] === 'true') ? true:false;
case "date":
ret = new Date(data.value[key]);
ret = "";
else if(data.idValue)
new IterableCollection(TrelloApi.get("customField/"+data.idCustomField+"/options")).each(function(option)
if(data.idValue == option._id)
ret = option.value.text;
return ret;
* Get an IterableCollection of all custom fields
* as raw objects for this card (not really that useful)
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
this.customFields = function()
return new IterableCollection(TrelloApi.get("cards/"+this.id()+"/customFieldItems"));
* Set the value of a custom field. Automatically converts
* the value to the correct type for the API, including
* looking up dropdown options etc.
* If the Custom Fields power up is not enabled
* this method will attempt to enable it. If it can't
* be enabled because the board has reached the power up
* limit, an unexpected exception is thrown.
* If a field with the given name doesn't exist it will
* be created as a text type field.
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param field_name {string} the name of the field to get the value for on this card
* @param field_value {string|Date|int|float|double|boolean} the value to set
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().setCustomFieldValue("My Field","Hi there");
this.setCustomFieldValue = function(field_name,value)
var field = this.findOrCreateCustomFieldFromName(field_name);
var url = "https://api.trello.com/1/card/"+this.id()+"/customField/"+field.id+"/item";
var payload = {
key: TrelloApi.checkControlValues().key,
token: TrelloApi.checkControlValues().token
HttpApi.call("put",url,"",{"content-type": "application/json"},JSON.stringify(payload));
return this;
this.findOrCreateCustomFieldFromName = function(field_name)
return this.board().findOrCreateCustomFieldFromName(field_name);
this.insertTrelloCustomFieldValue = function(payload,value,field)
//Clear the field if the value is empty
if ( value === "" || value === null || value === undefined ) {
payload.value = "";
switch (field.type)
case "text":
payload.value = { text: value.toString() };
case "number":
var n = parseFloat(value);
if ( isNaN(n) ) {
payload.value = "";
} else {
payload.value = {number: n.toString() };
case "checkbox":
payload.value = {checked: (!!value).toString() };
case "date":
var d = new Date(value);
if ( isNaN( d.getTime() ) ) {
payload.value = "";
} else {
payload.value = { date: d.toISOString() };
case "list":
payload.idValue = "";
new IterableCollection(field.options).each(function(opt)
if(opt.value.text == value)
payload.idValue = opt.id;
//This shouldn't happen. We can't assume the type, so we clear the field instead.
payload.value = "";
* Add a custom or default sticker.
* @param sticker {string} To add a custom sticker, pass in the ID of a custom
* sticker, fetched with Member.customStickers, for
* example new Trellinator().customStickers() if your
* custom sticker list was created by your Trellinator
* user. Note that custom stickers are only avialable in business/enterprise
* class accounts. Otherwise you can pass in a predefined sticker from this list:
* Standard stickers (available in free accounts):
* - check
* - heart
* - warning
* - clock
* - smile
* - laugh
* - huh
* - frown
* - thumbsup
* - thumbsdown
* - star
* - rocketship
* Premium stickers (business/enterprise class only):
* - taco-love
* - taco-confused
* - taco-cool
* - taco-angry
* - taco-celebrate
* - taco-robot
* - taco-alert
* - taco-active
* - taco-money
* - taco-reading
* - taco-trophy
* - taco-sleeping
* - taco-pixel
* - taco-proto
* - taco-embarrassed
* - taco-clean
* - pete-happy
* - pete-love
* - pete-broken
* - pete-alert
* - pete-talk
* - pete-vacation
* - pete-confused
* - pete-shipped
* - pete-busy
* - pete-completed
* - pete-space
* - pete-sketch
* - pete-ghost
* - pete-award
* - pete-music
* @param top {int} (optional) y co-ordinate between -60 and 100 default 0
* @param left {int} (optional) x co-ordinate between -60 and 100 default 0
* @param rotate {int} (optional) degree of rotation between 0 and 360 default 0
* @param z {int} (optional) z-index (ie. if this should sit "on top" of other stickers) 0 is highest, ie. "on top" of everything else, and is the default
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().addSticker("pete-happy");
this.addSticker = function(sticker,top,left,rotate,z)
top = 0;
left = 0;
rotate = 0;
z = 10;
return this;
* Remove all stickers from a card
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().removeAllStickers();
this.removeAllStickers = function()
new IterableCollection(TrelloApi.get("cards/"+this.id()+"/stickers")).each(function(sticker)
return this;
* Reset cached objects and load data from Trello.
* You may find this is required sometimes to force
* a reload of an object, but you shouldn't use this
* habitually.
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @example
* new Notification(posted).card().load().currentList();
this.load = function()
this.checklist_list = null;
this.labels_list = null;
this.members_list = null;
this.current_list = null;
this.moved_to_list_cache = null;
this.containing_board = null;
var attempt = this.data.id;
this.data = TrelloApi.get("cards/"+this.data.id+"?fields=all&actions=all&attachments=true&attachment_fields=all&members=true&member_fields=all&memberVoted_fields=all&checklists=all&checklist_fields=all&board=true&board_fields=all&list=true&pluginData=true&stickers=true&sticker_fields=all");
throw new InvalidDataException("Unable to load card with id: "+attempt);
return this;
this.completeAllItemsOnChecklist = function(name)
return this;
if(!this.data.id && this.data.link)
this.data.id = TrelloApi.cardLinkRegExp().exec(this.data.link)[1];
* Create a new card in the given list with the
* given name, or key/value pairs in an object, using
* parameters from {@link https://developers.trello.com/reference/#cards-2}
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param list {List} a List to add the card to
* @param data {string|Object} either a card name to use
* or an Object of key/value pairs
* @example
* Card.create(new Trellinator().board("Some Board").list("ToDo"),"Hi there!");
* @example
* Card.create(new Trellinator().board("Some Board").list("ToDo"),{name: "Hi there!",pos:"top"});
Card.create = function(list,data,pos)
if(typeof data === "string")
data = {name: data};
pos = "top";
data.pos = pos;
else if(data && data.desc)
if(data.desc.length > 16384)
data.desc = data.desc.substring(0,16381)+"...";
var ret = new Card(TrelloApi.post("cards?idList="+list.id()+"&"+new IterableCollection(data).implode("&",encodeURIComponent)));
list.card_list = null;
return ret;
* Find a card or create it if it doesn't already with
* either just a string name, or an Object with key/value
* pairs from {@link https://developers.trello.com/reference/#cards-2}
* exist, in the given list. The card can exist anywhere
* on the same board as the target list, but will be created
* in the target list if it doesn't exist.
* @memberof module:TrelloEntities.Card
* @param list {List} a List object to find or create the card in
* @param data {string|Object} either the name of the card, or an Object
* with at least a name attribute to be used to find the card, and then
* data to be used when creating the card
* @example
* Card.findOrCreate(new Trellinator().board("My Board").list("Inbox"),"New Card Name");
Card.findOrCreate = function(list,data)
var ret = list.board().card(data);
var ret = Card.create(list,data);
return ret;