* @class IterableCollection
* @memberof module:TrellinatorCore
* @constructor
* @param obj {Object} an object or Array that you would
* like to iterate over
* @classdesc The IterableCollection is used as the primary
* collection class for returning groups of objects or
* entities. Whenever you load, for example, an array of
* Card objects, you will get an IterableCollection
* back as the return value.
* @example
* new Trellinator().board("My Board").list("My List")
* .cards().each(function(card)
* {
* card.postComment("I am card "+card.id());
* });
var IterableCollection = function(obj)
this.obj = obj;
* Return a new IterableCollection containing
* all objects returned from a callback. The
* callback can modify the object if required,
* @memberof module:TrellinatorCore.IterableCollection
* @param comparator {Function} a callback
* function to use in order to identify what
* objects you're looking for
* @example
* try
* {
* //using find() instead of transform
* //means we will have cached the list of
* //cards and won't need to reload if we
* //do another find function later
* notif.board().cards().find(function(elem)
* {
* if(new RegExp("Search.*").test(elem.description()))
* return elem;
* else
* return false;
* }).first().postComment("Twinsies!");
* }
* catch(e)
* {
* Notification.expectException(InvalidDataException,e);
* Trellinator.log("Looks like: "+my_card.name()+" wasn't found");
* }
this.find = function(callback)
var new_obj = {};
for(var key in this.obj)
if((transformed = callback(this.obj[key],key)) !== false)
new_obj[key] = transformed;
return new IterableCollection(new_obj);
* Return a concatenated string of the values
* in this collection separated by a
* common separator, optionally with each
* value being augmented by a callback, similar to
* Array.join()
* @memberof module:TrellinatorCore.IterableCollection
* @param separator {string} (optional) the string to
* separate each value in the return string,
* defaults to &
* @param callback {Function} (optional) a function
* to augment each value before concatenating
* @example
* //prints "one","two"
* console.log('"'+new IterableCollection({one: "one",two: "two"})
* .implodeValues(",",function(elem)
* {
* return '"'+elem+'"';
* })+'"');
* @example
* //prints a semi-colon separated list of card names
* console.log(notif.board().cards().implode(";",function(card)
* {
* return card.name();
* }));
this.implodeValues = function(separator,callback)
separator = "&";
callback = function(elem,key)
return elem;
var ret = "";
for(var key in this.obj)
var called = callback(this.obj[key],key);
ret = called;
ret += called ? separator+callback(this.obj[key],key):called;
return ret;
* Concatenate all the items in a collection in
* key=value pairs separated by a separator,
* optionally with each value being augmented
* by a callback (basically for creating query strings)
* @memberof module:TrellinatorCore.IterableCollection
* @param separator {string} (optional) the separator
* to be included between each key=value pair
* defaults to &
* @param callback {Function} (optional) a callback to
* be used to augment the value in each key=value
* pair
* @example
* var params = {name: "Kieth",
* strengths: "Accounts",
* weaknesses: "Eczema"};
* HttpApi.call("post",base_url+params.implode("&",function(elem)
* {
* return encodeURIComponent(elem);
* }));
this.implode = function(separator,callback)
separator = "&";
callback = function(elem,key)
return elem;
var ret = "";
for(var key in this.obj)
ret = key+"="+callback(this.obj[key],key);
ret += separator+key+"="+callback(this.obj[key],key);
return ret;
* Return the item in this collection that appears
* before a given item, identified by an expression,
* optionally passing in a callback function used
* to compare the element with the expression.
* By default the expression can be a string or a
* RegExp and the comparison will be done based
* on calling the name() method of the element.
* A common use case is to find the previous list
* in a Trello board that appears after a list
* with a given name.
* @memberof module:TrellinatorCore.IterableCollection
* @param expression {string|RegExp} a string or RegExp
* indicating the element before which you'd like to find
* the previous item.
* @param inspector {Function} (optional) a callback
* used to compare the items to the expression. This
* should accept 2 parameters:
* - test {string|RegExp} The expression that you passed in
* to the original function
* - elem {Object} the item from the collection to be
* compared to the test expression
* the function should return true if the element matches
* the expression.
* @example
* var prev_list = notif.board().lists().itemBefore(new RegExp("Inbox.*"));
* @example
* var prev_card = notif.board().list("Test")
* .cards().itemBefore(my_card.id(),function(test,elem)
* {
* return test == elem.id();
* });
* @throws InvalidDataException
this.itemBefore = function(expression,inspector)
var ret = null;
var prev = null;
var next = null;
var return_prev = false;
inspector = function(test,elem)
return TrelloApi.nameTest(TrelloApi.nameTestData(test),elem.name());
for(var key in this.obj)
ret = prev;
prev = next;
return_prev = false;
return_prev = true;
next = this.obj[key];
prev = this.obj[key];
ret = prev;
return_prev = false;
throw new InvalidDataException("There was no item before: "+expression);
return ret;
* Return the item in this collection that appears
* after a given item, identified by an expression,
* optionally passing in a callback function used
* to compare the element with the expression.
* By default the expression can be a string or a
* RegExp and the comparison will be done based
* on calling the name() method of the element.
* A common use case is to find the next list
* in a Trello board that appears after a list
* with a given name.
* @memberof module:TrellinatorCore.IterableCollection
* @param expression {string|RegExp} a string or RegExp
* indicating the element after which you'd like to find
* the next item.
* @param inspector {Function} (optional) a callback
* used to compare the items to the expression. This
* should accept 2 parameters:
* - test {string} The expression that you passed in
* to the original function
* - elem {Object} the item from the collection to be
* compared to the test expression
* the function should return true if the element matches
* the expression.
* @example
* var next_list = notif.board().lists().itemAfter(new RegExp("Inbox.*"));
* @example
* var next_card = notif.board().list("Test")
* .cards().itemAfter(my_card.id(),function(test,elem)
* {
* return test == elem.id();
* });
* @throws InvalidDataException
this.itemAfter = function(expression,inspector)
var ret = null;
var return_next = false;
inspector = function(test,elem)
return TrelloApi.nameTest(TrelloApi.nameTestData(test),elem.name());
for(var key in this.obj)
return_next = false;
ret = this.obj[key];
else if(inspector(expression,this.obj[key]))
return_next = true;
throw new InvalidDataException("There was no item after: "+expression);
return ret;
* Return a random element from this collection
* @memberof module:TrellinatorCore.IterableCollection
* @param include {Function} (optional) a callback that returns true if an object should be considered, false if not
* @throws InvalidDataException
this.random = function(include)
throw new InvalidDataException("No items in IterableCollection when selecting a random element");
var ret = false;
var keys = Object.keys(this.obj)
var randkey = keys[ keys.length * Math.random() << 0];
var rand = this.obj[randkey];
ret = rand;
var keys = Object.keys(this.obj)
var randkey = keys[ keys.length * Math.random() << 0];
var ret = this.obj[randkey];
return ret;
* Remove and return a random element from this collection
* @memberof module:TrellinatorCore.IterableCollection
* @param include {Function} (optional) a callback that returns true if an object should be considered, false if not
* @throws InvalidDataException
this.removeRandom = function(include)
throw new InvalidDataException("No items in IterableCollection when selecting a random element");
var ret = false;
var keys = Object.keys(this.obj)
var randkey = keys[ keys.length * Math.random() << 0];
var rand = this.obj[randkey];
ret = rand;
var keys = Object.keys(this.obj)
var randkey = keys[ keys.length * Math.random() << 0];
var ret = this.obj[randkey];
delete this.obj[randkey];
return ret;
* Return the first element from this collection
* @memberof module:TrellinatorCore.IterableCollection
* @throws InvalidDataException
this.first = function()
var ret = null;
for(var key in this.obj)
if(ret === null)
ret = this.obj[key];
if(ret === null)
throw new InvalidDataException("No data in IterableCollection: "+this.obj);
return ret;
* Reverse the order of this collection
* @memberof module:TrellinatorCore.IterableCollection
* @throws InvalidDataException
this.reverse = function()
return new IterableCollection(this.asArray().reverse());
* Return the last element from this collection
* @memberof module:TrellinatorCore.IterableCollection
* @throws InvalidDataException
this.last = function()
return new IterableCollection(this.asArray().reverse()).first();
* Iterate over this collection, passing
* each element into a callback function
* @memberof module:TrellinatorCore.IterableCollection
* @param callback {Function} the function
* into which each element will be passed.
* The first parameter passed in is the element
* but you can optionally accept a second
* parameter which is the key
* @example
* notif.board().list("List").cards().each(function(card)
* {
* card.postComment("@board Hi! My name is: "+card.name());
* });
* @example
* var params = {name: "Milton",
* hobbies: "Listening to music from 9-11 at a reasonable volume"};
* new IterableCollection(params).each(function(elem,key)
* {
* console.log(key+": "+elem);
* });
this.each = function(callback)
for(var key in this.obj)
return this;
* Apply a callback to each item in this collection,
* modifying this collection.
* Whatever is returned from the callback will
* replace the original object, keys are preserved.
* If the callback returns false, that key/element
* pair will be removed.
* If you want to find an item in a collection
* without modifying the collection, use find()
* instead of transform().
* @memberof module:TrellinatorCore.IterableCollection
* @param callback {Function} a call back that
* accepts an element of this collection and
* optionally a second argument which is the key
* and returns an object to be included in the
* modified collection, or false and that
* key/element pair will be removed
* @example
* notif.board().cards().transform(function(elem,key))
* {
* if((key < 10) && (elem.name() == "ohai"))
* return elem;
* else
* return false;
* }).first().postComment("Yep, ohai alright");
this.transform = function(callback)
this.obj = this.find(callback).obj;
return this;
* Return the number of items in this collection
* @memberof module:TrellinatorCore.IterableCollection
this.length = function()
return Object.keys(this.obj).length;
* Convenience function to find an object
* by name() method, compared with a string
* or RegExp, or object with a "name"
* parameter
* @memberof module:TrellinatorCore.IterableCollection
* @param expression {string|RegExp} the expression
* to compare to the name of each element to find
this.findByName = function(expression)
var ret = this;
ret = this.find(function(elem)
return elem;
return false;
return ret;
* Return the object as an Array, preserving
* keys
* @memberof module:TrellinatorCore.IterableCollection
this.asArray = function()
ret = new Array();
for(var key in this.obj)
return ret;
this.clone = function()
var new_obj = [];
for(var key in this.obj)
new_obj[key] = this.obj[key];
return new IterableCollection(new_obj);